New document
Fabian Wachsmann
Kickoff, 19.07.2016 (talks)
10/12/2016 03:48 PM
- Agenda: CMIP6-KickOff-Agenda.pdf
- Participants: Kick-Off-Teilnehmer.pdf
- Protocol: KickOff-Protokoll.pdf
Martin Schupfner
CMIP6 Design and MIPs Overview Notes
11/08/2016 10:22 AM
Short Summary of the CMIP6 Design and notes on several MIPs,
including links for further reading.
Jahresprojekttreffen 11-10-2017
11/28/2017 02:27 PM
- Welcome and agenda: CMIP6_Jahrestreffen.pdf
- Protocol and participants: Protokoll_CMIP6_Mo12_171011.pdf
"Chemie": "Partner":
- Sein/Koldunov: Sein_Koldunov_cmip6_dkrz_2017.pptx