




Apply Clear

  • CMIP

    CMIP data management and quality control


    BMBF-funded project 'CMIP6' embracing two compound projects: CMIP6-DICAD and CMIP6-Chemie

    • CMIP6-Chemie

      "Unterstützung des aktuellenund zukünftigen nationalen Beitrags zum IPCC/AR6 mit Fokus Atmosphärenchemie"


      "Bereitstellung des nationalen Beitrags zur Datenbasis des IPCC/AR6 und Unterstützung der CMIP6+-Aktivitäten in Deutschland"

  • DKRZ Seminar (Öffentlich)

    Seminar material, content available to the general public.
    Seminar slides are available in the Documents section.

  • ExArch

    Climate analytics on distributed exascale data archives


    CMIP data pool hosted at DKRZ
    - information
    - organisation
    - technical data management

  • NationalDataNode

    Information related to the CMIP related data collection at DKRZ
    - data collection
    - data access
    - data request management

  • GPU-Forum

    With the installation of the second phase of the HLRE-4 system 'Levante', a significant part of the computing power at DKRZ will be provided by GPUs for the first time. This certainly requires some adjustments in programming and the usual use of resources at DKRZ. This project is therefore intended to provide an information and exchange platform for questions/topics related to GPUs....


    CORDEX data federation WIKI

  • ENES Data Task Force

    This is the home of the management of activities convened under the auspices of the ENES data task force.

    Further information is available on the wiki.

  • Prace

    IS-ENES / Prace Collaboration
    Set up EC-EARTH model on PRACE platforms - Contribute to inform project partners here ...

  • RAPS

    A numerical weather prediction and climate modelling community and vendor collaboration for improving benchmark cycles.

  • Model-Forum for Levante

    With the installation of the new HLRE-4 system 'Levante', many model developers and users are faced with adapting their models to the new hard- and software. This project is therefore intended to provide an information and exchange platform for questions/topics related to how models should be ported....

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