


QC and ESG

QC Results

  • QC tool results on variable, e.g. for IPSL aqua4K
  • QC level and DOI assignment/data citation on aggregation level simulation, e.g. for IPSL aqua4K

Available QC Services

Status and History of all simulations in QCDB

A simulation in the QC L2 process inserts the QC results at the end of the QC tool application into the QCDB. During QC L2 assignment a comment on the overall QC process can be added by the QC Manager. E.g. for IPSL aqua4K

A list of all simulations in the QCDB with their current stati and link to the history information on that simulation (see above):

QC Results of all simulations in QCDB

A simulation in the QC L2 process inserts the QC results at the end of the QC tool application into the QCDB. These results are accessible via a service, e.g. for IPSL aqua4K

List of all simulations with QC results in the QCDB:

QC L2 ESG Datasets / Publication Units with QC L2 Assignment

For simulations passed the QC L2 process, a simple services gives the ESG datasets /publication units, which were part of that assignment, e.g. for IPSL aqua4K

Complete list for a simulation at:

Total list for all CMIP5 datasets at:

Citation Service

Get a formal DOI citation regulation of QC L3/DOI experiments or a preliminary citation recommendation entering a tracking_id of a chunk of netCDF data. The citation rule is given for a CMIP5 experiment.

QC Information on DOI landing page

On the DOI landing page brief meta data with links to data access and additional general metadata information is provided. A link to the QC Results for this simulation is shown, too. A page with information comparable to those on the DOI landing page can be found e.g. for IPSL aqua4K at

DOI will be constructed as e.g. for IPSL aqua4K as DOI:10.1594/WDCC/CMIP5.IPILq4 and accessible via the official resolver

QC Result Publication

General idea by CIM and BADC (Bryan) is explained at: Qc_CIM
Protocol of the meeting on that issue at BADC on 24.05.2011: Qcmtg_110524

CIM QC documents are provided for simulations and ESG datasets / publication units and published via AtomFeed.
The part of creating, publishing, and saving CIM QC documents is handed over from BADC to DKRZ.

AtomFeed Production:

CIM QC Document Contents

Important QC information in CIM QC documents (current implementation):
  • DRS_ID: external_id
  • Link to QC results: part of result/explanation of report for QC L2 (measureIdentification=cmip5-qc-2d)
  • DOI and Link to DOI landing page: part of result/explanation of report for QC L3 (measureIdentification=cmip5-qc-3)

For the ESG datasets / publication units the links are provided to the QC results on the simulation level (and to the DOI landing page). The explanation text starts with the remark that this ESG dataset is part of a simulation to make that clear. The QC information export to CIM for QC L3 / DOI publication is still work in progress.

Use Cases for QC Result Publications

"Normal" QC Workflow

New Data delivered after DOI assignment

Open Issues

  • Documentation of QC issues not found during QC process (and no new data delivery)

Information is sent to the support mailing list. If that is an error in the data and needs a documentation, how is it done? In the gateways? In the QC/DOI databases/documents?