


Quality Checks

Technical Quality Control

The CMIP6 technical quality assurance includes 3 different checking blocks: the consistency check of the CMIP6 Citation Service content, the check of the used metadata (from the ESGF index), and the file metadata consistency and data download check. Citation and used metadata are checked against the information, given by the CMIP6 Citation Service and the ESGF index, while the LTA check includes the adjustment of the file based information with the DB based ones.

Citation metadata check (DOI level) - consistency with CMIP6 Citation Service content

subject entry_type details error level
list of authors EXP, DSG as in CMIP6 Citation Service error
scientific contact EXP, DSG as in CMIP6 Citation Service error
CMIP6 citation EXP, DSG title, authors, publisher, edition, DOI as in CMIP6 Citation Service error
list of contributors EXP, DSG as in CMIP6 Citation Service error
summary EXP, DSG as in CMIP6 Citation Service error

Metadata checks - consistency to file headers

subject entry_type details error level
spatial coverage DSG, DS longitude, latitude, altitude/depth/level as file coverage error
temporal coverage DSG start and end date as file coverage error
format DS format_extension = '.nc' error
keywords EXP, DSG,
Expected keywords are (depending on entry_type):
'mip_era', '<activity_id>', '<institution_id>', '<source_id>',
'<experiment_id>', '<target_mip>'.

File metadata checks

subject entry_type details error level
number and size > 0 EXP, DSG number of datasets > 0, size of data > 0 error
DSG size DSG, EXP summary of DS sizes consistent to total DSG size error
size > 0 DS size of dataset > 0 error
no hidden datasets EXP, DSG There is no hidden dataset connected to this entry_id error
data size DS consistent to sum of file sizes error
temporal coverage DS coverage as in data files warning
spatial coverage DS coverage as in data files warning
file name FILE in external pointer (consistency with project standard) error
file size FILE file size in external_pointer consistent with actual file size error
checksum FILE documented in external_pointer is consistent with calculated checksum error
tracking_id FILE documented in external_pointer is consistent with file header error
data access FILE check file download error

Implementation of TQA Checks

The checks are implemented in automized workflow scripts which write the check reports into the DB. These reports are analysed internaly via a Web-Tool. An example for a check report is given in Fig. 1. All check reports are available on request (in the case of interest for a specific report please contact , subject CMIP6 TQA-reports).

Figure 1: Screenshot of TQA check report.