


Quality Checks for intermediate datasets of the IPCC DDC

The intermediate datasets long-term preserved at the IPCC Data Distribution Centre (DDC) are datasets created by the IPCC authors with a high reuse potential. The applied technical quality checks take care that the archived data is complete and its metadata consistent.

Technical Quality check criteria

1. General Checks
a. number of datasets > 0
b. dataset size > 0
c. all datasets and the experiment/dsgroup are completely archived
d. datasets are accessible

2. Completeness Checks
a. number of datasets consistent with provided datasets
b. experiments/dsgroup is assigned a data citation
c. all datasets are assigned data licenses
d. agreed references are complete
e. agreed keywords are assigned to experiment/dsgroup and datasets
f. experiment/dsgroup has contacts
g. experiment/dsgroup and all datasets have a coverage information
h. experiment/dsgroup has a summary/abstract
i. experiment/dsgroup has documented scientific and technical quality information
j. datasets are assigned variables and if applicable CF Standard Names

3. Consistency Checks
a. correctness of licenses
b. correctness of data citation
c. correctness of contacts
d. author contact and citation information is consistent
e. coverages of experiment/dsgroup and datasets are consistent
f. summary/abstract content contains agreed DDC information
g. CF Standard Names and variable names are consistent to dataset content

Scientific Quality Assessment

As part of the IPCC assessment, the scientific quality of intermediate datasets is thoroughly assessed by the IPCC authors.