


MIP table - differences between CMIP5 and CMIP6
(State: v01.00.07 of the CMIP6 Data Request)

The CMIP6 MIP tables can be downloaded here:

General differences

In CMIP5 there have been 19 MIP tables.
In each MIP table (for example "Amon") the coordinate/axis and experiment information was included.

In CMIP6 there are 49 MIP tables.
MIP tables only contain the CMOR variable entries.
Coordinates and axis are contained in: CMIP6_coordinate.json.
Additionaly, zfactors are contained in: CMIP6_formula_terms.json.
Infos about experiments, models, etc. are contained in: CMIP6_CV.json.
Grid information is contained in: CMIP6_grids.json.

Differences between the single tables:

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_fx

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_fx

8  variable axis read.
27 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: CMIP6_fx.json

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP6_Tables/CMIP6_fx.json

6 variable entries read.

Variable thkcello not found in CMIP6 Table! Ocean Model Cell Thickness
Variable depth_c not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable href not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable zlev not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable sigma_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable basin not found in CMIP6 Table! Region Selection Index
Variable sftof not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Area Fraction
Variable deptho not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Floor Depth
Variable nsigma not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable volcello not found in CMIP6 Table! Ocean Grid-Cell Volume
Variable areacello not found in CMIP6 Table! Ocean Grid-Cell Area
Variable zlev_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable z1 not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable z2 not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable a not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable b not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable depth not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Floor Depth
Variable eta not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Surface Height
Variable hfgeou not found in CMIP6 Table! Upward Geothermal Heat Flux at Sea Floor
Variable k_c not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable sigma not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_6hrLev

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_6hrLev

7  variable axis read.
15 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: CMIP6_6hrLev.json

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP6_Tables/CMIP6_6hrLev.json

8 variable entries read.

Variable a not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable p0 not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable b not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable b_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable ap_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable ap not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable a_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable ztop not found in CMIP6 Table! height of top of model
Variable ptop not found in CMIP6 Table! pressure at top of model
Variable orog not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Altitude

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_LImon

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_LImon

2  variable axis read.
12 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: CMIP6_LImon.json

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP6_Tables/CMIP6_LImon.json

37 variable entries read.

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_6hrPlev

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_6hrPlev

1  variable axis read.
4 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: CMIP6_6hrPlev.json

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP6_Tables/CMIP6_6hrPlev.json

19 variable entries read.

Variable va not found in CMIP6 Table! Northward Wind
Variable ua not found in CMIP6 Table! Eastward Wind
Variable ta not found in CMIP6 Table! Air Temperature

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_day

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_day

4  variable axis read.
42 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: CMIP6_day.json

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP6_Tables/CMIP6_day.json

35 variable entries read.

Variable rhsmin not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Daily Minimum Relative Humidity
Variable tossq not found in CMIP6 Table! Square of Sea Surface Temperature
Variable vsi not found in CMIP6 Table! Y-Component of Sea Ice Velocity
Variable sit not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Ice Thickness
Variable tos not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Surface Temperature
Variable usi not found in CMIP6 Table! X-Component of Sea Ice Velocity
Variable sic not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Ice Area Fraction
Variable rhsmax not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Daily Maximum Relative Humidity
Variable rhs not found in CMIP6 Table! Near-Surface Relative Humidity
Variable omldamax not found in CMIP6 Table! Daily Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme
Variable snw not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Snow Amount
Variable mrro not found in CMIP6 Table! Total Runoff

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_3hr

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_3hr

No axis entries found.
23 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: CMIP6_3hr.json

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP6_Tables/CMIP6_3hr.json

23 variable entries read.

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_cfOff

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_cfOff

7  variable axis read.
9 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: Has to be identified!

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_aero

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_aero

No axis entries found.
92 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: has to be identified!

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_Lmon

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_Lmon

8  variable axis read.
59 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: CMIP6_Lmon.json

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP6_Tables/CMIP6_Lmon.json

54 variable entries read.

Variable fLuc not found in CMIP6 Table! Net Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Land Use Change
Variable cWood not found in CMIP6 Table! Carbon Mass in Wood
Variable nep not found in CMIP6 Table! Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmophere due to Net Ecosystem Productivity on Land.
Variable cSoil not found in CMIP6 Table! Carbon Mass in Soil Pool
Variable cMisc not found in CMIP6 Table! Carbon Mass in Other Living Compartments on Land

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_grids

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_grids

10  variable axis read.
4 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: CMIP6_grids.json

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP6_Tables/CMIP6_grids.json

4 variable entries read.

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_Oyr

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_Oyr

No axis entries found.
87 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: CMIP6_Oyr.json

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP6_Tables/CMIP6_Oyr.json

125 variable entries read.

Variable depth_c not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable nsigma not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable sigma_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable phypmisc not found in CMIP6 Table! Other Phytoplankton Carbon Production
Variable z1 not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable z2 not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable eta not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Surface Height
Variable expcfe not found in CMIP6 Table! Sinking Particulate Iron Flux
Variable href not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable b not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable zfull not found in CMIP6 Table! Depth Below Geoid of Ocean Layer
Variable k_c not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable zlev not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable zoocmisc not found in CMIP6 Table! Other Zooplankton Carbon Concentration
Variable depth not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Floor Depth
Variable zlev_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable a not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable zhalf not found in CMIP6 Table! Depth Below Geoid of Interfaces Between Ocean Layers
Variable sigma not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_Amon

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_Amon

2  variable axis read.
89 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: CMIP6_Amon.json

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP6_Tables/CMIP6_Amon.json

75 variable entries read.

Variable tro3 not found in CMIP6 Table! Mole Fraction of O3
Variable a_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable ptop not found in CMIP6 Table! pressure at top of model
Variable ztop not found in CMIP6 Table! height of top of model
Variable tro3Clim not found in CMIP6 Table! Mole Fraction of O3
Variable a not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable tsAdjust not found in CMIP6 Table! Bias-Corrected Surface Temperature
Variable p0 not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable b not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable pslAdjust not found in CMIP6 Table! Bias-Corrected Sea Level Pressure
Variable orog not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Altitude
Variable ap_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable ap not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable b_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable tasAdjust not found in CMIP6 Table! Bias-Corrected Near-Surface Air Temperature
Variable prAdjust not found in CMIP6 Table! Bias-Corrected Precipitation

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_cfMon

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_cfMon

2  variable axis read.
108 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: CMIP6_CFmon.json

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP6_Tables/CMIP6_CFmon.json

56 variable entries read.

Variable parasolRefl not found in CMIP6 Table! PARASOL Reflectance
Variable tnsclihencl not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Heterogeneous Nucleation From Cloud Liquid
Variable tnsclids not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Deposition and Sublimation
Variable tnsclia not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Advection
Variable tnsclimr not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Melting to Rain
Variable tnsclibl not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice In Air Due To Boundary Layer Mixing
Variable p0 not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable b not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable tnsclihon not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Homogeneous Nucleation
Variable tnsclwar not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Accretion to Rain
Variable tnsclwas not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Accretion to Snow
Variable tnsclwmi not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Melting From Cloud Ice
Variable tnsclibfpcl not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice In Air Due To Bergeron Findeisen Process from Cloud Liquid
Variable a_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable tnsclwac not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Autoconversion
Variable tnsclwri not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Riming
Variable tnsclirir not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Riming From Rain
Variable tnsclwhon not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Homogeneous Nucleation
Variable tnsccwbl not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water In Air Due To Boundary Layer Mixing
Variable tnsclw not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water In Air
Variable tnscli not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice In Air
Variable ptop not found in CMIP6 Table! pressure at top of model
Variable tnscliemi not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Evaporation of Melting Ice
Variable ztop not found in CMIP6 Table! height of top of model
Variable tnsccw not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water In Air
Variable tnsclwcd not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water Due to Convective Detrainment
Variable tnsclwce not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Condensation and Evaporation
Variable tnsclwcm not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water In Air Due To Cloud Microphysics
Variable tnsclicm not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice In Air Due To Cloud Microphysics
Variable tnsclicd not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice Due Convective Detrainment
Variable tnsclihenv not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Heterogeneous Nucleation From Water Vapor
Variable tnscliricl not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Riming From Cloud Liquid
Variable tnsccwacs not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Autoconversion to Snow
Variable tnsccwacr not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Autoconversion to Rain
Variable ps not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Air Pressure
Variable tnsclimcl not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Melting to Cloud Liquid
Variable tnsclwhen not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Heterogeneous Nucleation
Variable tnsccwa not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Advection
Variable tnsccwce not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Condensation and Evaporation
Variable ap not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable tnsccwcm not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water In Air Due To Cloud Microphysics
Variable tnsclias not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Accretion to Snow
Variable tnscliag not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Aggregation
Variable orog not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Altitude
Variable tnscliif not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Icefall
Variable ap_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable tnsclwbfpcli not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water In Air Due To Bergeron Findeisen Process To Cloud Ice
Variable tnsclwa not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Advection
Variable tnsccwif not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Icefall
Variable b_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable a not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable evisct not found in CMIP6 Table! Eddy Diffusivity Coefficients for Temperature
Variable eviscu not found in CMIP6 Table! Eddy Viscosity Coefficients for Momentum
Variable tnsclwbl not found in CMIP6 Table! Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water In Air Due To Boundary Layer Mixing

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_cfSites

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_cfSites

1  variable axis read.
89 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: has to be identified!

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_Omon

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_Omon

6  variable axis read.
203 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: CMIP6_Omon.json

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP6_Tables/CMIP6_Omon.json

294 variable entries read.

Variable intpnitrate not found in CMIP6 Table! Primary Organic Carbon Production by Phytoplankton Based on Nitrate Uptake Alone
Variable depth_c not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable msftyyzba not found in CMIP6 Table! Ocean Y Overturning Mass Streamfunction due to Bolus Advection
Variable intpmisc not found in CMIP6 Table! Primary Organic Carbon Production by Other Phytoplankton
Variable intppico not found in CMIP6 Table! Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Picophytoplankton
Variable zosga not found in CMIP6 Table! Global Average Sea Level Change
Variable nsigma not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable hfbasindiff not found in CMIP6 Table! Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Diffussion
Variable omlmax not found in CMIP6 Table! Monthly Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme
Variable hfnorthba not found in CMIP6 Table! Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Bolus Advection
Variable hfsithermds2d not found in CMIP6 Table! Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics
Variable rhopoto not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Water Potential Density
Variable hfnorthdiff not found in CMIP6 Table! Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Diffusion
Variable rlds not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Net Downward Longwave Radiation
Variable sigma_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable intpcalc not found in CMIP6 Table! Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Calcareous Phytoplankton
Variable hfxdiff not found in CMIP6 Table! Ocean Heat X Transport due to Diffusion
Variable hfsithermds not found in CMIP6 Table! Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics
Variable intpdiat not found in CMIP6 Table! Primary Organic Carbon Production by Diatoms
Variable rsds not found in CMIP6 Table! Downwelling Shortwave Radiation in Sea Water
Variable msftmyzba not found in CMIP6 Table! Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction due to Bolus Advection
Variable intpdiaz not found in CMIP6 Table! Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Diazotrophs
Variable z2 not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable eta not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Surface Height
Variable hfydiff not found in CMIP6 Table! Ocean Heat Y Transport due to Diffussion
Variable href not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable hfyba not found in CMIP6 Table! Ocean Heat Y Transport due to Bolus Advection
Variable frc not found in CMIP6 Table! Downward Carbon Flux at Ocean Bottom
Variable z1 not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable hfnorth not found in CMIP6 Table! Northward Ocean Heat Transport
Variable msftmrhoz not found in CMIP6 Table! Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction
Variable msftyrhozba not found in CMIP6 Table! Ocean Y Overturning Mass Streamfunction due to Bolus Advection
Variable zossga not found in CMIP6 Table! Global Average Steric Sea Level Change
Variable b not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable zfull not found in CMIP6 Table! Depth Below Geoid of Ocean Layer
Variable pr not found in CMIP6 Table! Rainfall Flux where Ice Free Ocean over Sea
Variable hfls not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Downward Latent Heat Flux
Variable k_c not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable msftyrhoz not found in CMIP6 Table! Ocean Y Overturning Mass Streamfunction
Variable hfss not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Downward Sensible Heat Flux
Variable zlev not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable zoocmisc not found in CMIP6 Table! Other Zooplankton Carbon Concentration at Surface
Variable msftmrhozba not found in CMIP6 Table! Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction due to Bolus Advection
Variable depth not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Floor Depth
Variable wmosq not found in CMIP6 Table! Square of Upward Ocean Mass Transport
Variable zlev_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable a not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable fsc not found in CMIP6 Table! Flux of Carbon Into Ocean Surface by Runoff and Sediment Dissolution
Variable omldamax not found in CMIP6 Table! Mean Daily Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme
Variable zhalf not found in CMIP6 Table! Depth Below Geoid of Interfaces Between Ocean Layers
Variable hfxba not found in CMIP6 Table! Ocean Heat X Transport due to Bolus Advection
Variable hfbasinba not found in CMIP6 Table! Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Bolus Advection
Variable sigma not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_cf3hr

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_cf3hr

1  variable axis read.
95 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: CMIP6_CF3hr.json

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP6_Tables/CMIP6_CF3hr.json

31 variable entries read.

Variable sci not found in CMIP6 Table! Fraction of Time Shallow Convection Occurs
Variable parasolRefl not found in CMIP6 Table! PARASOL Reflectance
Variable rsutcs not found in CMIP6 Table! TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation
Variable rldscs not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation
Variable ts not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Temperature
Variable clt not found in CMIP6 Table! Total Cloud Fraction
Variable psl not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Level Pressure
Variable cfadDbze94 not found in CMIP6 Table! CloudSat Radar Reflectivity CFAD
Variable cfadLidarsr532 not found in CMIP6 Table! CALIPSO Scattering Ratio CFAD
Variable sfcWind not found in CMIP6 Table! Near-Surface Wind Speed
Variable clwvi not found in CMIP6 Table! Condensed Water Path
Variable toffset not found in CMIP6 Table! Offset Time
Variable rsdscs not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation
Variable huss not found in CMIP6 Table! Near-Surface Specific Humidity
Variable rtmt not found in CMIP6 Table! Net Downward Flux at Top of Model
Variable evspsbl not found in CMIP6 Table! Evaporation
Variable a_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable rlds not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation
Variable ptop not found in CMIP6 Table! pressure at top of model
Variable rlut not found in CMIP6 Table! TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation
Variable rsdt not found in CMIP6 Table! TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation
Variable rsds not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation
Variable ztop not found in CMIP6 Table! height of top of model
Variable sbl not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Snow and Ice Sublimation Flux
Variable rsus not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation
Variable rsut not found in CMIP6 Table! TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation
Variable ci not found in CMIP6 Table! Fraction of Time Convection Occurs
Variable cltcalipso not found in CMIP6 Table! CALIPSO Total Cloud Fraction
Variable clcalipso2 not found in CMIP6 Table! CALIPSO Cloud Fraction Undetected by CloudSat
Variable rlutcs not found in CMIP6 Table! TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation
Variable hfls not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux
Variable pr not found in CMIP6 Table! Precipitation
Variable ps not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Air Pressure
Variable rlus not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation
Variable vas not found in CMIP6 Table! Northward Near-Surface Wind
Variable a not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable hurs not found in CMIP6 Table! Near-Surface Relative Humidity
Variable latitude not found in CMIP6 Table! Latitude
Variable p0 not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable b not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable longitude not found in CMIP6 Table! Longitude
Variable fco2antt not found in CMIP6 Table! Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to All Anthropogenic Emissions of CO2
Variable tauv not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Downward Northward Wind Stress
Variable tauu not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stress
Variable orog not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Altitude
Variable prc not found in CMIP6 Table! Convective Precipitation
Variable tas not found in CMIP6 Table! Near-Surface Air Temperature
Variable rsuscs not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation
Variable uas not found in CMIP6 Table! Eastward Near-Surface Wind
Variable hfss not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux
Variable ap_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable ap not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable prw not found in CMIP6 Table! Water Vapor Path
Variable prsn not found in CMIP6 Table! Snowfall Flux
Variable clmcalipso not found in CMIP6 Table! CALIPSO Mid Level Cloud Fraction
Variable fco2nat not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Carbon Mass Flux into the Atmosphere Due to Natural Sources
Variable b_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable fco2fos not found in CMIP6 Table! Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Fossil Fuel Emissions of CO2
Variable clivi not found in CMIP6 Table! Ice Water Path
Variable cct not found in CMIP6 Table! Air Pressure at Convective Cloud Top
Variable clcalipso not found in CMIP6 Table! CALIPSO Cloud Area Fraction
Variable cllcalipso not found in CMIP6 Table! CALIPSO Low Level Cloud Fraction
Variable clhcalipso not found in CMIP6 Table! CALIPSO High Level Cloud Fraction
Variable ccb not found in CMIP6 Table! Air Pressure at Convective Cloud Base

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_Oclim

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_Oclim

No axis entries found.
48 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: CMIP6_Oclim.json

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP6_Tables/CMIP6_Oclim.json

34 variable entries read.

Variable depth_c not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable href not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable zlev not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable sigma_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable nsigma not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable zlev_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable z1 not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable z2 not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable a not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable b not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable zfull not found in CMIP6 Table! Depth Below Geoid of Ocean Layer
Variable zhalf not found in CMIP6 Table! Depth Below Geoid of Interfaces Between Ocean Layers
Variable depth not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Floor Depth
Variable eta not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Surface Height
Variable k_c not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable sigma not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_cfDay

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_cfDay

2  variable axis read.
56 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: CMIP6_CFday.json

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP6_Tables/CMIP6_CFday.json

36 variable entries read.

Variable prc not found in CMIP6 Table! Convective Precipitation
Variable hfss not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux
Variable ap_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable ap not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable a_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable rlus not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation
Variable rlds not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation
Variable clt not found in CMIP6 Table! Total Cloud Fraction
Variable ptop not found in CMIP6 Table! pressure at top of model
Variable b_bnds not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable rlut not found in CMIP6 Table! TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation
Variable parasolRefl not found in CMIP6 Table! PARASOL Reflectance
Variable rsds not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation
Variable ztop not found in CMIP6 Table! height of top of model
Variable a not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable p0 not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable b not found in CMIP6 Table! vertical coordinate formula term
Variable hfls not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux
Variable rsus not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation
Variable orog not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Altitude

############################## ##############################
Reading: CMIP5_OImon

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP5_Tables/CMIP5_OImon

No axis entries found.
40 variable entries read.

Reading CMIP6 counterpart: CMIP6_ImonAnt.json

Path : /home/k204212/C6TC/CMIP6_Tables/CMIP6_ImonAnt.json

28 variable entries read.

Variable ialb not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Ice Albedo
Variable sblsi not found in CMIP6 Table! Sublimation over Sea Ice
Variable transix not found in CMIP6 Table! X-Component of Sea Ice Mass Transport
Variable hcice not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Ice Heat Content
Variable tsice not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Temperature of Sea Ice
Variable ridgice not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Ice Ridging Rate
Variable rlussi not found in CMIP6 Table! Upward Long Wave over Sea Ice
Variable bmelt not found in CMIP6 Table! Rate of Melt at Sea Ice Base
Variable strocnx not found in CMIP6 Table! X-Component of Ocean Stress On Sea Ice
Variable tmelt not found in CMIP6 Table! Rate of Melt at Upper Surface of Sea Ice
Variable grLateral not found in CMIP6 Table! Lateral Sea Ice Growth Rate
Variable strairx not found in CMIP6 Table! X-Component of Atmospheric Stress On Sea Ice
Variable strairy not found in CMIP6 Table! Y-Component of Atmospheric Stress On Sea Ice
Variable pr not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Rainfall Rate into the Sea Ice Portion of the Grid Cell
Variable rsussi not found in CMIP6 Table! Upward Shortwave over Sea Ice
Variable sit not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Ice Thickness
Variable transiy not found in CMIP6 Table! Y-Component of Sea Ice Mass Transport
Variable sic not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Ice Area Fraction
Variable grFrazil not found in CMIP6 Table! Frazil Sea Ice Growth (Leads) Rate
Variable sim not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Ice Plus Surface Snow Amount
Variable rsdssi not found in CMIP6 Table! Downwelling Shortwave over Sea Ice
Variable snd not found in CMIP6 Table! Snow Depth
Variable strocny not found in CMIP6 Table! Y-Component of Ocean Stress On Sea Ice
Variable evap not found in CMIP6 Table! Water Evaporation Flux from Sea Ice
Variable divice not found in CMIP6 Table! Strain Rate Divergence of Sea Ice
Variable nshrice not found in CMIP6 Table! Northward Derivative of Eastward Sea Ice Velocity
Variable ssi not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Ice Salinity
Variable ageice not found in CMIP6 Table! Age of Sea Ice
Variable streng not found in CMIP6 Table! Compressive Sea Ice Strength
Variable transifs not found in CMIP6 Table! Sea Ice Mass Transport Through Fram Strait
Variable snoToIce not found in CMIP6 Table! Snow-Ice Formation Rate
Variable hflssi not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux over Sea Ice
Variable rldssi not found in CMIP6 Table! Downwelling Long Wave over Sea Ice
Variable hfssi not found in CMIP6 Table! Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux over Sea Ice
Variable grCongel not found in CMIP6 Table! Congelation Sea Ice Growth Rate
Variable tsnint not found in CMIP6 Table! Temperature at Interface Between Sea Ice and Snow
Variable eshrice not found in CMIP6 Table! Eastward Derivative of Northward Sea Ice Velocity
Variable snomelt not found in CMIP6 Table! Snow Melt Rate