


ProgModels (CRAY)

HPC systems will basicallly have same arch for next decade ..

--> compiler for OpenACC directives ..

debugging without accelerator on multicore system ? yes ..

path forward

mpi at coarse grain, openmp at medium grain, vectors, accel. at fine grain, embed knowledge in the language

+ embedding know. in compiler, enable compiler to make compositional type of decisions ..

Barbara chapman:

  • anticipated arch. changes
    • massive ca. 4k increase in concurrancy
    • power cost
    • many levels of parallelism in HW

productivity !!! openmp/mpi ...

IESP Programming Modesls .. candidates defined 2015, exascale progr. models impl. in 2017, adopted in late 2018

500-500-500 plan:
  • *500 operational budget plan
  • *500 NSF funding
  • *500 budget to DOE ASCR (adoption.. )
backup plan:
  • evol. approach ...

climate scientists --> means for appl. scientists to provide useful information -->adapted version of todays progr. aPIs (MPI, OpenMP, PGAS) --> maybe some non-portable low-level APIS (threads, CUDA, Verilog) --> machine code

code has to change but ..!!!.. can`t afford manpower ..

Rusty Lusk Argonne
  • conc. constr. programming model reason for fail of 400 Mio project failure in Japan .. all from scratch / lack of interoperability

(202) Wallaby (Redhat)

for condor pools

amqp broker, wallaby tools, wallaby http gateway