Milestone #1707
openWP1 M9 : Vergleich ICON-Ergebnisse mit AMIP- und CORDEX-Daten abgeschlossen
Start date:
Due date:
05/31/2020 (over 4 years late)
% Done:
WP1 "CMIP6+ Experiments" Milestone 9:
Completed comparison of the ICON results with AMIP and CORDEX data.
Updated by Vera Maurer over 8 years ago
- Assignee changed from Anonymous to Vera Maurer
Martin Schupfner wrote:
WP1 "CMIP6+ Experiments" Milestone 9:
Completed comparison of the ICON results with AMIP and CORDEX data.
Updated by Fabian Wachsmann about 8 years ago
- Project changed from CMIP6-BMBF to CMIP6-DICAD
Updated by Anonymous almost 7 years ago
- Subject changed from WP1 M9 to WP1 M9 : Vergleich ICON-Ergebnisse mit AMIP- und CORDEX-Daten abgeschlossen